About Vitual

The main goal of the company is to develop and introduce new methods and means into medical and social practice that contribute to health preservation and increase the healthy period of human life. Every creature on our planet has a lifetime limit. The human species limit is about 125 years. Therefore, the study of disease and the creation of effective geroprotectors that contribute to both the preservation of basic physiological functions of the body and the achievement of the upper species limit of life expectancy is one of the most pressing problems in the modern world.

Clinical studies show that among the main factors determining the quality and longevity of life, a large role, along with the genetic prerequisites, belongs to the state of the neuroendocrine and immune systems of the body, functioning in a close relationship.

At Vitual, each ingredient, shape and composition of the complex is studied by our team of scientists.

Vitual Laboratories is one of the leading companies in the field of anti-aging technologies and peptide bioregulation. The company's researchers from the Research and Development department are recognized as the world's leading gerontology and geriatrics scientists.

Our employees annually organize and take part in international conferences at leading global venues.

people have already tried peptides
Vitual polypeptide complexes on sale
years of research by the scientific community

Leading in three main peptide parameters

Bioregulatory peptides need to be evaluated on three basic parameters:


The peptide extraction and purification process, developed by Professor Khavinson, is one of the most efficient in the world. Short peptides consist of amino acid residues that allow them to penetrate the cell nucleus and activate DNA sites.


The main task of Khavinson peptides is to regulate gene expression and increase their activity. This leads to the production of the necessary protein, renewal of cells of tissues and organs.


The structure of peptides can break down during transportation and temperature changes. Khavinson peptides are extremely stable and maintain structural integrity over a wide range of temperatures, humidity and other factors.

Международные конференции

International symposium of experts “Regenerative medicine and ageing”

Всероссийский Форум

Всероссийский Форум с международным участием «Продуктивное долголетие: доказательная медицина и трансдисциплинарный синтез».


Профессор В.Х. Хавинсон стал почетным гостем VI Европейского Конгресса по превентивной, регенеративной и антивозрастной медицине.

Конференция андрологов-урологов

Профессор В. Х. Хавинсон: Пептидная биорегуляция функций мочеполовой системы организма.

Пескара, Италия

Курс лекций и научный эксперимент профессора В. Х. Хавинсона: "Пептиды и стволовые клетки".

1st Mediterranean Congress of Antiaging Medicine

Доклад профессора В. Х. Хавинсона «Peptides, genome, ageing» («Пептиды, геном, старение»).

Милан, Италия

Научный семинар для врачей антивозрастной медицины.

Симпозиум Экспертов в Швеции

Доклады профессора В. Х. Хавинсона:
- "General mechanism of peptide regulation of gene expression, protein synthesis and human vital resource";
- "Peptides, Genome, Ageing".

World Gene Convention

Участие проф. В.Х. Хавинсона в качестве приглашенного эксперта. Доклад «Единый механизм эпигенетической пептидной регуляции экспрессии генов и синтеза белков в природе».

Геронтологический конгресс в Белграде

Доклад «Peptides, genome, ageing» «Пептиды, геном, старение».

Саммит в области здравоохранения в Пекине

Саммит по исследованию и сотрудничеству в области управления здравоохранения Китая. Участие проф. В.Х. Хавинсона в качестве приглашенного эксперта. Доклад «Peptides, genome, ageing» («Пептиды, геном, старение»).